Contact info

About Us

Brickyard Bank was chartered in 1979 as a state chartered bank located in the Brickyard Mall at Diversey and Narragansett on the northwest side of Chicago, Illinois. The bank served the newly created mall and the surrounding area.
In 1987 the principal office of Brickyard Bank was moved to its present location at 6676 N. Lincoln Avenue in Lincolnwood, Illinois, a suburban community immediately north of the city of Chicago. In early 1993 the Brickyard Bank closed the office in the Brickyard Mall.
Brickyard Bank has proudly served the Lincolnwood and surrounding community with full service banking now for over 35 years. Brickyard Bank is especially proud of our broad based community support from this ethnically rich and diverse community.
Present ownership purchased the bank in 1997 and has retained the emphasis of serving our expanding community. In 2008, Brickyard Bank open a new office in Skokie, located at 3536 Dempster Avenue. The community surrounding this office has been overwhelmingly supportive of this office. Today, Brickyard Bank serves customers throughout the Chicago metropolitan area with roots firmly planted in Lincolnwood, Skokie, Evanston, and neighborhoods on the far north side of Chicago.
We are proud to be an independently owned community bank and our vision, mission and credo will allow us to continue to provide excellent customer service and to assist the community with all their financial needs.

When Emailing Brickyard Bank

E-mail is NOT a secure channel of communication. We ask that you limit your use of e-mail to request general information about Brickyard Banks customer services and products or general feedback about our website. We strongly advise that you do not e-mail sensitive account information such as your Brickyard Bank Debit Card number(s) or other account number(s), Social Security number, PIN, mother's maiden name, or passwords.

Lost or Stolen ATM/Visa

If your Visa/ATM card has been lost or stolen, please call 1-800-472-3272 immediately. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Illinois Community Reinvestment Act Notice

Under the Illinois Community Reinvestment Act (ILCRA), the Secretary of the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Secretary) evaluates our record of helping to meet the credit needs of this community consistent with safe and sound operations. The Secretary also takes this record into account when deciding on certain applications submitted by us.
Your involvement is encouraged.
You are entitled to certain information about our operations and our performance under the ILCRA, including, for example, information about our branches, such as their location and services provided at them; the public section of our most recent ILCRA Performance Evaluation, prepared by the Secretary; and comments received from the public relating to our performance in helping to meet community credit needs, as well as our responses to those comments. You may review this information today.
At least 30 days before the beginning of each quarter, the Secretary publishes a list of the banks that are scheduled for ILCRA examination in that quarter. This list is available from the Secretary at 320 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor Springfield, IL 62786 and 555 West Monroe Street, Suite 500 Chicago, IL 60661. You may send written comments about our performance in helping to meet community credit needs to Compliance Officer, Brickyard Bank, 6676 North Lincoln Avenue, Lincolnwood, Illinois 60712 and Secretary. You may also submit comments electronically through the Department's Web site at Your letter, together with any response by us, will be considered by the Secretary in evaluating our ILCRA performance and may be made public.
You may ask to look at any comments received by the Secretary. You may also request from the Secretary an announcement of our applications covered by the ILCRA filed with the Secretary.
We are an affiliate of Brickyard Bancorp, a bank holding company. You may request from the Compliance Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604, an announcement of applications covered by the ILCRA filed by bank holding companies.

6676 N. Lincoln Ave.
Lincolnwood IL. 60712

+1 847 679 2265
+1 847 679 9077
9am-5pm Mon-Fri; Closed Sat.-Sun
Mon May 27th*
Wed Jun 19th*
Thur Jul 4th*
Mon Sept 2nd*
Mon Oct 14th*
Mon Nov 11th*
Thur Nov 28th*
Wed Dec 25th*
* = Holiday Hours

3536 W. Dempster St.
Skokie, IL 60076

+1 847 933 9934
+1 847 933 9950
9am-5pm Mon-Fri; 9am-12pm Sun
Mon May 27th*
Wed Jun 19th*
Thur Jul 4th*
Mon Sept 2nd*
Mon Oct 14th*
Mon Nov 11th*
Thur Nov 28th*
Wed Dec 25th*
* = Holiday Hours